Have you watched The Tonight Show since Jimmy Fallon began hosting? Unfortunately for me, I have only had the time to see short snippets of his guest interviews and sketches on YouTube. But I have to say, Jimmy Fallon sure looks like he’s enjoying his new job.
Engagement is a topic I have studied for a while. Although engagement means different things to different people, when you meet an engaged employee, they exude confidence and a connection to their work which is vacant in the eyes of the actively disengaged.
What does engagement look like? Watch Jimmy’s eyes in this video of him and Billy Joel.
I can imagine how hard Jimmy works, along with his team, to get each show ready and to come up with new sketches, material and activities every week. But never have I seen a Tonight Show host with such a look of awe and excitement in his eyes every day. You didn’t see it in Jay Leno, you didn’t see it in Johnny Carson (and probably not in Steve Allen or Jack Paar but that’s going back too far for me).
You know an employee is engaged when they exude a passion and enthusiasm for their work which make others wish they could work at the same company. I think Jimmy is going to have great success hosting The Tonight Show. You’ll know if it’s becoming routine for him if the sparkle in his eyes fades.
Do you get the opportunity to do work that makes your heart sing every day? There is the right job out there for every person but it might not be where you are now. If your job doesn’t ignite your passion, move on and find something that does. It will be the best thing for you and your old employer.
Have you seen that spark in your workplace?

As Chief Strategist of Analytic Perspectives, Audrey Ciccone consults in the area of workforce analytics partnering with companies to develop their HR analytics game plan.